Three lives in three countries: Spain, Senegal and Chile. Look back at my chronicles of crazy adventure, introspection, love and confusion. It's just the journey of a young Californian gal who's getting a taste of the world, but it's also so much more...

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The iron sits atop an old, empty Nescafe can. In its iron belly, embers glow orangey-gold, lending their beauty to the night’s ambiance. A white-collared shirt lays spread out beside it, waiting for her ochre hand to grasp that wooden handle and press out its weary wrinkles.


A television commercial: for those of you who are Christians, come buy a myriad of toys for the holiday season! You can buy a plastic duck that lays eggs, or a my size (white) doll, or a xylophone, or some (white) Barbie dolls, or an art kit, or some books…with white children on the covers…


A horse-drawn cart clippety-clops over the hard pavement, accompanied in its orchestration by the clink-clank of abundant coke bottles, laden with a beverage that will soon reach a tiny street-side stall and then the appreciative throats of parched passers-by. With the image of official looking commercial trucks hauling soda-pop in mind, I smile at the seeming simplicity of this animal, pair of wheels, and set of planks. It clinks and clops by, doing its job as well as any industrial machine…


The leftovers of Tabaski are in a small heap along the side of the road: a pair of horns and a sheep skin tossed away like a pair of tattered sandals. Plug your nose as you go past…


There they are; a haphazard trio of spindly, plastic pine trees, propped up before a couple smiling men with dazzling, gaudy garlands ringing their necks and wrists. They’re there, wedged in between a couple fruit stalls, grinning at me as I eye their merchandise. Voila one of the few traces of Christmas in this Allah-enraptured locale. I cannot help but chuckle at how out of place they seem.


I’m peaceably eating my breakfast of bread when my cousin whips out a butchering knife and starts whacking away at the last piece of mouton from the holidays. The laudry-woman’s three-year-old daughter is intimidated by the sight but watches intently.


  1. So, I tried my hardest to link some camera shutter sounds, but I was unsuccessful. So, you just have to imagine: chgink, chgink, chgink. Your snapshots.

  2. I love reading your posts. Have a great Christmas!

  3. :-)

    I love you guys.
