Three lives in three countries: Spain, Senegal and Chile. Look back at my chronicles of crazy adventure, introspection, love and confusion. It's just the journey of a young Californian gal who's getting a taste of the world, but it's also so much more...

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Tea and Coffee Pic Post

Here is Sadio steeping café touba. Delicious stuff, I might add.

Here is how much sugar they put into the ataya tea. Mind you, this is only the preliminary sugar for the tea kettle. Each single cup receives its own added third of a cup that recuires the tea and sugar to be poured between two cups repeatedly in order to mix it perfectly and get it frothy.

Here is the tea and sugar mixing that I just described. It is an almost ritualistic process.

Here I am making some ataya tea. :-)

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